Wood Backgrounds

Friday, February 29, 2008

Does Jesus have a Mailing Address?

One of my favorite activities to do with the kids at the children's home during down-times is coloring. We have an enormous tub of colored pencils that people have donated; as most of the kids leave for school in the morning, our eight kids who stay behind for the later second session of kindergarten start clamoring for that tub of pencils and some paper. It's a joy to see their imaginations at work as they gather around a kitchen table and practice writing names and drawing objects. Usually after a good half hour of drawing, the kids will slap our names on whatever they created that morning and give us the precious gift of their artwork. Rachel and I have a large drawer filling up with drawings that say something like "Form: Kuya DJ and Ate Rachel, To: Armie." So we are still working on spelling and the whole To/From concept (which, as you can see, they tend to get backwards), but it is sweet nonetheless. However, something different happened the other day. One of our five year old girls made a drawing of herself and wrote "I love you so much Jesus" and instead of to Kuya DJ and Ate Rachel, it was designated "To: Jesus." She handed me the paper, and with complete sincerity and childhood innocence, commanded "You give this to Jesus."  All practical answers to that aside, there was only one response I could give in such a tender moment:
"Of course."

DJ Langefels
Director of Child Development (New Faith Family Children's Home) 

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