Wood Backgrounds

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Block Party

Sunday we had a giant block party for the neighborhood kids. The party was a huge success! Over 300 kids from the neighborhood came out for games, face painting, balloon animals, drimes, a puppet show, and food. A World Race team from Adventures in Missions was on hand to man the games and cook the hotdogs.

The afternoon started with games and music. The water balloon toss was a huge hit combining competition and getting wet! You can check out the video on this one.

We had a puppet show that reenacted Jonah and the whale. And a drime (drama / mime) that told the kids about Jesus. We had several kids respond to the message of Jesus!
The face painting and balloon animals had a steady line all afternoon. Even the next day after the party kids could be found running around the neighborhood with balloon animals.
The day concluded with hotdogs, rice and juice. A real treat for many of the kids. A good time was had by all.

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